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Our review on Melioidosis and Glanders vaccines

July 14, 2017

Check out the latest Ainslie Lab paper on Vaccines for the Prevention of Melioidosis and Glanders. Melioidosis is caused by a bacteria and it is the third most lethal infectious disease, after tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, in parts of the world.

Welcome new summer students

June 1, 2017

The Ainslie Lab welcomes SOLAR summer undergraduate student Rebeca Thweatt, summer undergraduate students Ananya Murthy, and MD/PhD rotation student Meryem Ok. Enjoy your summer in the Ainslie Lab!

Bye-Bye Bowling for Mike Collier

April 29, 2017

The lab got together to bowl, drink beer and say good-bye to Micheal. Mike Collier photo-bombing Jacob and Max

STEAM Science Outreach Night at Scroggs Elementary

April 20, 2017

Thanks to all the volunteers at Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math night at Mary Scroggs Elementary.  We did DNA isolation, Phases of Matter, Slime, Hovercraft, and Red Cabbage pH indicator. Thanks Christina Parker (Lai lab), Monica Johnson (Ainslie Lab), Elizabeth Gurysh … Read more

Graham’s successful defense of senior thesis

April 7, 2017

Congrats to Graham Collins for successfully defending his Senior Honors Thesis, “Demonstrated Transfection Using DNA and a Polymer with Low Cytotoxicity for Gene Therapies”.  

Welcome Post Doc Pam Tiet

April 1, 2017

Ainslie Lab welcomes its newest post doc, T32 Fellow Pamela Tiet. Pam is  part of the Carolina Cancer Nanotechnology Training Program.