Author Archives: Kristy Ainslie
Long acting HIV injectable publication out!
Great to hear our International Journal of Pharmaceutics Publication “Injectable Long-acting HIV Antiretroviral Prodrugs with Improved PK Profiles” is out! In collaboration with the awesome Dr. Jessie Kwiek at OSU Microbiology & Angela Kashuba Labortory at Eshelmans School of Pharmacy
Our Pub shows degradation affects flu vaccine efficacy
Happy to report one of our latest publications illustrates that degradation of polymeric flu vaccine microparticles impacts efficacy for a universal flu vaccine (1 shot for many flu seasons). Just in time for flu season!
Publication on Co-delivery of adjuvants
Our latest publication “Acetalated Dextran microparticles for co-delivery of STING and TLR7/8 agonists” is out in Molecular Pharmaceutics. We show co-delivery of cGAMP and R848 = strong cellular and humoral responses!
Review published on Drug Delivery for Cancer Immunotherapy and Vaccines
Our latest review, “Drug Delivery for Cancer Immunotherapy and Vaccines” is out in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology!
Goodbye lunch for Dr. Naihan Chen
Goodbye lunch for Dr. Naihan Chen! Best of luck at Pfizer!
Goodbye Dr. Matt Gallovic!
Goodbye gathering for Dr. Matt Gallovic! Starts work next week at IMMvention Therapeutix.
Naihan Chen Successfully Defends her PhD
Congratulations to Dr. Naihan Chen for successfully defending your thesis today! ???