Ainslie Lab awarded NIH RO1!
We were just awarded a 5-yr nearly $1.5M NIH grant to study how biomaterials modulate tolerance as it relates to Multiple Sclerosis.
We were just awarded a 5-yr nearly $1.5M NIH grant to study how biomaterials modulate tolerance as it relates to Multiple Sclerosis.
Latest publication “Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes with Acetalated Dextran Microparticles Containing Rapamycin and Pancreatic Peptide P31” in Advanced Healthcare Materials.
We were awarded a STTR/SBIR titled “Advancing Formulation of STING agonist for Universal Flu Vaccine”
New collaborative paper with Dr. Mitsuo Yamauchi from UNC Dentistry. Looking at active regions of BMP that cause osteogenesis
Welcome new grad students Chris Genito & Cole Batty!
Congratulations to Erica Pino for winning 2nd place at the UNX TIBBs Women in Science Symposium for her poster.
The Ainslie Lab at the Raleigh NC Science March makes the Raleigh News and Observer AND our post doc Matt Gallovic is interviewed for NC State’s Student newspaper! Great work and great signs everyone!…/article_6f3c6cb4-4031-11e…#SceinceMarch #ScienceMatters
Congrats Naihan Chen for receiving the Feng Liu Graduate Student Award! Each year the award is given to an exemplary graduate student in the Division of Pharmacoengineering and Molecular Pharmaceutics who reflects Liu’s character. Dr. Liu was a wonderful scientist … Read more